3D-CRT (three-dimensional conformal radiation therapy) combines multiple radiation treatment fields to deliver precise doses of radiation to the affected area. Tailoring each of the radiation beams to focus on the tumor delivers a high dose of radiation to the tumor and avoids nearby healthy tissue.
IMRT (intensity modulated radiation therapy) is a sophisticated radiation planning and delivery technology that allows radiation dose to closely conform to the shape of the tumor, even when it is irregularly shaped. It can be used to treat cancers in many different parts of the body to reduce the amount of radiation given to the normal tissue immediately adjacent to the tumor, allowing the tumor to be treated safely to higher doses than otherwise possible.
IGRT (image-guided radiation therapy) is a process of taking images of the patient while in the treatment position immediately prior to delivering radiation to ensure that the patient is accurately positioned. It allows for precise, highly conformal radiation therapy plans to be delivered with confidence.
High-dose rate brachytherapy
HDR (high dose rate) brachytherapy uses a very small but intense radioactive source on the end of a flexible, computer-controlled cable. By inserting this radioactive source through one or more hollow applicators placed into or near a tumor, a precisely planned amount of radiation may be delivered over a short period of time.
Accelerated partial breast irradiation
Accelerated partial breast irradiation (APBI) uses either HDR brachytherapy or 3D-CRT to deliver radiation therapy to the breast after lumpectomy. APBI condenses a treatment course from over 30 days to just 5 days and allows much of the breast to be spared from receiving high doses of radiation.
Stereotactic body radiation therapy
Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy (SBRT) is an exciting new technique for treating small cancers in the lungs, liver and spine. SBRT allows delivery of much higher doses of radiation to the tumor in fewer treatment sessions while giving much lower doses of radiation to the surrounding healthy tissue. For patients who may be too frail to undergo surgery for their lung or liver cancer, SBRT is often an excellent non-invasive treatment option.
Gamma Knife radiosurgery
Gamma Knife

Prostate seed implantation
Prostate seed implantations are a form of brachytherapy that allows for one-time placement of many small radioactive 'seeds' into the prostate for treatment of prostate cancer. They can be performed in isolation or in combination with IMRT.
Radionuclide treatments
Radionuclide treatments use liquid radioactive isotopes, either alone or attached to monoclonal antibodies, that are placed into the body and preferrentially absorbed by tumor cells to deliver high doses of radiation on a cell-by-cell level.